Riveted connections in Steel

Riveted connections in Steel: The riveted connections are these days obsolete. The knowledge of this sort of connections f…

Stools in Reinforcement Detailing MCQ

Stools in Reinforcement Detailing: Also known as mall chair. The purpose of the stools is to maintain the reinforcement in t…

Triangulation Survey Procedure

Triangulation Survey Procedure:   In surveying, triangulation is the manner of determining the region of a factor by way of …

Characteristics of sub-grade soils

Characteristics of sub-grade soils Hi guys, Today we learn about Characteristics of sub-grade soils. What is Sub-grade Soi…

Foundation on Sand and Non-plastic Soil

Foundation on Sand and Non-plastic Soil: Physicists and agronomists classify soils based on their workings. But the engine…

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